
    It was the second week in May,in which the three young ladies set out together from Gracechurch Street for the town of—,in Hertfordshire; and, as they drew near the appointed inn where Mr.Bennet's carriage was to meet them,they quickly perceived, in token of the coachman's punctuality, both Kitty and Lydia looking out of a dining-room upstairs.These two girls had been above an hour in the place, happily employed in visiting an opposite milliner,watching the sentinel on guard,and dressing a salad and cucumber.

    After welcoming their sisters, they triumphantly displayed a table set out with such cold meat as an inn larder usually affords, exclaiming,“Is not this nice?Is not this an agreeable surprise?”

    “And we mean to treat you all,”added Lydia,“but you must lend us the money,for we have just spent ours at the shop out there.”Then, showing her purchases—“Look here, I have bought this bonnet.I do not think it is very pretty;but I thought I might as well buy it as not.I shall pull it to pieces as soon as I get home, and see if I can make it up any better.”

    And when her sisters abused it as ugly,she added,with perfect unconcern,“Oh!but there were two or three much uglier in the shop; and when I have bought some prettier-coloured satin to trim it with fresh,I think it will be very tolerable.Besides,it will not much signify what one wears this summer, after the—shire have left Meryton,and they are going in a fortnight.”

    “Are they indeed!”cried Elizabeth,with the greatest satisfaction.

    “They are going to be encamped near Brighton; and I do so want papa to take us all there for the summer!It would be such a delicious scheme;and I dare say would hardly cost anything at all.Mamma would like to go,too,of all things!Only think what a miserable summer else we shall have!”

    “Yes,”thought Elizabeth,“that would be a delightful scheme indeed,and completely do for us at once.Good Heaven!Brighton, and a whole campful of soldiers, to us, who have been overset already by one poor regiment of militia,and the monthly balls of Meryton!”

    “Now I have got some news for you,”said Lydia, as they sat down at table.“What do you think?It is excellent news—capital news—and about a certain person we all like!”

    Jane and Elizabeth looked at each other,and the waiter was told he need not stay.Lydia laughed,and said:

    “Aye,that is just like your formality and discretion.You thought the waiter must not hear,as if he cared!I dare say he often hears worse things said than I am going to say.But he is an ugly fellow! I am glad he is gone.I never saw such a long chin in my life.Well, but now for my news;it is about dear Wickham;too good for the waiter,is it not?There is no danger of Wickham's marrying Mary King.There's for you!She is gone down to her uncle at Liverpool:gone to stay.Wickham is safe.”

    “And Mary King is safe!”added Elizabeth;“safe from a connection imprudent as to fortune.”

    “She is a great fool for going away,if she liked him.”

    “But I hope there is no strong attachment on either side,”said Jane.

    “I am sure there is not on his. I will answer for it, he never cared three straws about her—who could about such a nasty little freckled thing?”

    Elizabeth was shocked to think that,however incapable of such coarseness of expression herself, the coarseness of the sentiment was little other than her own breast had harboured and fancied liberal!

    As soon as all had ate,and the elder ones paid,the carriage was ordered; and after some contrivance, the whole party, with all their boxes,work-bags,and parcels,and the unwelcome addition of Kitty's and Lydia's purchases,were seated in it.
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大龄剩女转身重生,  回到了自己中学的时候。  不光有过目不忘的记忆,还有随身的空间相随。  在为了自己新的生活奋斗。  实现自己成为军人的目标。  从这个月开始一天一更,为了过年的时候也不断文。
玄幻奇幻 完结 104万字


关于另类报复: ◆◆文案◆◆ 即将大学毕业的女生江芷馨,…每晚八点准时更新,打滚求收藏求评论各种求。小公告1:日更,每晚八点准时更新。坑品高大上,不信看专栏。2:男主前期渣,女主个性强,结局间会宠,会撕,会虐。雷以上几点的慎入。3:此作者所有的文都在这里淘→ 下一个坑快速存稿中,这篇文完结之后紧接着就是上传这篇,求收 我的完结现言我的完结现言我的完结现言我的完结现言我的完结现言我的完结现言
玄幻奇幻 完结 104万字


一不留神,男神缠上身,她万般反抗斗智斗勇 却不想,早已被男神八面埋伏 胜者,猖狂,败者——暖床! 提问:高冷男神突然说暗恋她好久了,这超强粘力狗皮膏药甩不掉怎么办? 男神答:破罐子破摔,扯证上岗! —— 她是京城声名狼藉的豪门私生女,他是京城万人之上的传奇太子爷 传闻,他对女人过敏,禁止靠近他三步之内 传闻,他性取向不正常,喜欢的是男人 传闻,他无情无欲—— 某女:去他妈的传闻! 眼前这个臭不要脸的狗皮膏药哪一点和传闻挂钩了?! “你到底喜欢我哪一点?”她万般无奈,这样一个权势通天的男人究竟看上她什么了? 他浅眯着黑眸,染着淡薄笑意。 “听闻莫家小姐练就一身床第本领,我想领教领教。” 她皱眉,“你缺操?” 他浅笑,“我缺你。” —— 在第N次反抗之后,她怒视面前一脸正人君子的男人 “你有禁忌癖好吗?叔!叔!” 他缓缓扯开领口领带走向她,淡定如初 “你难道以为上你就是我的最终目的?” —— “听说,第一胎是男孩就证明母亲智商高,是女孩就证明父亲智商高。” “so?” “敢不敢和我拼一回智商?” “滚!” 重生前,她对他像是耗子遇见猫,唯恐避之不及 重生后,却陷入他的万般柔情无法自拔 重生前,她对这个全城女人都想睡的男人百般不屑 重生后,没事就拉着他出来遛遛,看,这是我男人,他宠我,很宠我,只宠我,敢打他半点主意,削你狗头不解释! 宠!宠!宠!双处,高能高甜!走过路过不要错过!老司机要开车,小仙女们快上车!
玄幻奇幻 完结 110万字


审美观异常的原地球土著少年一下子成为未来星际世界的小可怜~ 独家发表,谢绝转载!
玄幻奇幻 完结 27万字


“主子,十三爷大婚,您准备送些什么呢?”小秋很是期待的问道,十三爷可是一个很好很好的人呢。“唔,送个搓衣板吧”,苏忆甄吃着葡萄很是随意的说道。“啊?搓~~搓衣板?主子,您没发烧吧?送搓衣板干嘛?”小秋实在是郁闷了,为什么主子的心思总是那么难猜,就像是那天边的浮云,飘啊飘啊。“那送什么?难道还指望着我送他一本沟女心经不成?哼!这些所谓的皇子个个都那么多老婆,以后只要有皇子结婚我就送一个搓衣板,小秋,明儿个去外面订二十个搓衣板,我预备着,二十个估计还不够呢”,苏忆甄很是邪恶的想着,是不是在搓衣板上再做些文章?“听说你给十三送了个搓衣板?”冰块儿老公黑着一张脸进来了,不怀好意的看着苏忆甄。“爷,奴婢错了,下次奴婢不敢了”,苏忆甄哭丧着脸求饶,不过心里却认为这个小心眼的老公肯定是找借口来自己院子里呢,每次来就知道黑灯瞎火的怼啊怼啊,也不知道温柔点。本文将于4月10日周五入(倒)V,倒过的读者请勿重复购买哦,入谢大家一直以来的支持,往后也请继续支持正版阅读,谢谢啦!说明:(1)本文是慢热文,请各位不要着急,慢慢看,也许一开始不太好,可是看着看着你就会喜欢哦!(2)本文不是虐文,请各位读者放心啦,不过有的时候会微微虐一下,不会让读者看的很难受的,我保证哦!(3)如果你喜欢看这篇文,请收藏一下,我写文也不容易啦,如果读者多多收藏,多多留言,会很鼓励我哦,不要总是霸王!(4)如果你很喜欢看这篇文呢,就请包养一下‘孤独千年’吧,很简单的哦,我的写作动力就是各位的多多支持。(5)有什么意见请各位多多提出来,我会努力修改的,谢谢啦!我的专栏:欢迎收藏我的专栏 下面是以前的几本完结旧文,文荒的话可以看一看。
玄幻奇幻 完结 167万字


唐暖从小就想要嫁个肤白貌美腰细腿长家世比自己差的相公,只可惜人生时有不如意,好不容易选到的相公太上进了也是一件麻烦事。 此文不考据,谢谢。
玄幻奇幻 完结 44万字