
    They entered the woods, and bidding adieu to the river for a while,ascended some of the higher grounds;when,in spots where the opening of the trees gave the eye power to wander,were many charming views of the valley, the opposite hills, with the long range of woods overspreading many,and occasionally part of the stream.Mr.Gardiner expressed a wish of going round the whole park, but feared it might be beyond a walk.With a triumphant smile they were told that it was ten miles round. It settled the matter;and they pursued the accustomed circuit;which brought them again,after some time,in a descent among hanging woods, to the edge of the water, and one of its narrowest parts.They crossed it by a simple bridge,in character with the general air of the scene;it was a spot less adorned than any they had yet visited;and the valley,here contracted into a glen,allowed room only for the stream, and a narrow walk amidst the rough coppice-wood which bordered it.Elizabeth longed to explore its windings;but when they had crossed the bridge, and perceived their distance from the house,Mrs.Gardiner,who was not a great walker,could go no farther, and thought only of returning to the carriage as quickly as possible.Her niece was,therefore,obliged to submit, and they took their way towards the house on the opposite side of the river,in the nearest direction;but their progress was slow, for Mr. Gardiner, though seldom able to indulge the taste, was very fond of fishing, and was so much engaged in watching the occasional appearance of some trout in the water, and talking to the man about them, that he advanced but little. Whilst wandering on in this slow manner,they were again surprised,and Elizabeth's astonishment was quite equal to what it had been at first,by the sight of Mr.Darcy approaching them,and at no great distance.The walk here being here less sheltered than on the other side,allowed them to see him before they met.Elizabeth,however astonished,was at least more prepared for an interview than before,and resolved to appear and to speak with calmness,if he really intended to meet them.For a few moments,indeed,she felt that he would probably strike into some other path.The idea lasted while a turning in the walk concealed him from their view;the turning past,he was immediately before them.With a glance, she saw that he had lost none of his recent civility;and,to imitate his politeness, she began, as they met, to admire the beauty of the place;but she had not got beyond the words“delightful,”and“charming,”when some unlucky recollections obtruded,and she fancied that praise of Pemberley from her might be mischievously construed.Her colour changed,and she said no more.

    Mrs.Gardiner was standing a little behind;and on her pausing, he asked her if she would do him the honour of introducing him to her friends.This was a stroke of civility for which she was quite unprepared; and she could hardly suppress a smile at his being now seeking the acquaintance of some of those very people against whom his pride had revolted in his offer to herself.“What will be his surprise,”thought she,“when he knows who they are? He takes them now for people of fashion.”

    The introduction,however,was immediately made;and as she named their relationship to herself,she stole a sly look at him,to see how he bore it, and was not without the expectation of his decamping as fast as he could from such disgraceful companions. That he was surprised by the connection was evident;he sustained it,however,with fortitude,and so far from going away,turned his back with them,and entered into conversation with Mr.Gardiner. Elizabeth could not but be pleased,could not but triumph.It was consoling that he should know she had some relations for whom there was no need to blush.She listened most attentively to all that passed between them,and gloried in every expression,every sentence of her uncle,which marked his intelligence,his taste,or his good manners.

    The conversation soon turned upon fishing;and she heard Mr.Darcy invite him,with the greatest civility,to fish there as often as he chose while he continued in the neighbourhood, offering at the same time to supply him with fishing tackle,and pointing out those parts of the stream where there was usually most sport. Mrs.Gardiner,who was walking arm-in-arm with Elizabeth,gave her a look expressive of wonder. Elizabeth said nothing, but it gratified her exceedingly;the compliment must be all for herself. Her astonishment,however,was extreme,and continually was she repeating,“Why is he so altered? From what can it proceed? It cannot be for me—it cannot be for my sake that his manners are thus softened. My reproofs at Hunsford could not work such a change as this.It is impossible that he should still love me.”
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林嫣然是暴发户家的女儿,本来混贵圈就困难,偏偏还长了一张勾人的脸。她做了个梦知道自己以后会抱上了个大粗,本来以为自己以后能横着走了,谁知道她竟然让大粗腿的朱砂痣给炮灰了。梦醒了的林嫣然打算避开大粗腿所以就进了娱乐圈,谁知道大粗腿竟然默默的伸了过来。公告:本文12月28日也就是在周一入V 入往大家支持正版 本文宗旨:女主作,女主苏,女主是个有格调的玛丽苏! 入坑提示 娱乐圈文 全文贯彻一个苏字 不过智商在线 女主非意义上的重生 她是做了一个梦知道了未来的事情 试读后如有不适 请迅速撤离 请勿人身攻击点击下面图片可以收藏我的专栏哦O(∩_∩)O~~
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安定伯家的貌美庶女穆锦柔,一觉醒来发现被人关进了小黑屋,被屋外传来的污言秽语生生吓破了胆。 再度睁眼,芯子已换;逃出生天,细细谋算;靠着几张偏方,一路逆袭。 面对嫡母、嫡姐的算计,外表娇娘子内心女汉子的穆锦柔冷冷一笑,“既然你们想踩着我的尸身谋富贵,就别怪我掀翻你们的嫡位了。” 一句话:女汉子吃货的宅斗之旅!
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