
    It was not often that she could turn her eyes on Mr. Darcy himself; but, whenever she did catch a glimpse, she saw an expression of general complaisance, and in all that he said she heard an accent so far removed from hauteur or disdain of his companions,as convinced her that the improvement of manners which she had yesterday witnessed however temporary its existence might prove, had at least outlived one day.When she saw him thus seeking the acquaintance and courting the good opinion of people with whom any intercourse a few months ago would have been a disgrace—when she saw him thus civil, not only to herself, but to the very relations whom he had openly disdained, and recollected their last lively scene in Hunsford Parsonage—the difference, the change was so great, and struck so forcibly on her mind, that she could hardly restrain her astonishment from being visible. Never, even in the company of his dear friends at Netherfield, or his dignified relations at Rosings,had she seen him so desirous to please,so free from self-consequence or unbending reserve,as now,when no importance could result from the success of his endeavours,and when even the acquaintance of those to whom his attentions were addressed would draw down the ridicule and censure of the ladies both of Netherfield and Rosings.

    Their visitors stayed with them above half-an-hour;and when they arose to depart,Mr.Darcy called on his sister to join him in expressing their wish of seeing Mr.and Mrs.Gardiner,and Miss Bennet,to dinner at Pemberley,before they left the country.Miss Darcy, though with a diffidence which marked her little in the habit of giving invitations,readily obeyed.Mrs.Gardiner looked at her niece,desirous of knowing how she,whom the invitation most concerned,felt disposed as to its acceptance,but Elizabeth had turned away her head.Presuming however,that this studied avoidance spoke rather a momentary embarrassment than any dislike of the proposal,and seeing in her husband,who was fond of society,a perfect willingness to accept it,she ventured to engage for her attendance,and the day after the next was fixed on.

    Bingley expressed great pleasure in the certainty of seeing Elizabeth again,having still a great deal to say to her,and many inquiries to make after all their Hertfordshire friends.Elizabeth, construing all this into a wish of hearing her speak of her sister, was pleased,and on this account,as well as some others,found herself,when their visitors left them,capable of considering the last half-hour with some satisfaction,though while it was passing, the enjoyment of it had been little. Eager to be alone, and fearful of inquiries or hints from her uncle and aunt,she stayed with them only long enough to hear their favourable opinion of Bingley,and then hurried away to dress.

    But she had no reason to fear Mr.and Mrs.Gardiner's curiosity;it was not their wish to force her communication.It was evident that she was much better acquainted with Mr.Darcy than they had before any idea of;it was evident that he was very much in love with her.They saw much to interest,but nothing to justify inquiry.
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【本文一对一,双C,宠文+甜文+爽文,宠溺无边,快乐看文】 潼筱玖,美貌与智慧并存,外冷内热,气质脱俗,大四学生一枚。 沐景梵,情商与睿智齐驾,颜高多金,威势逼人,集团总裁一位。 当他遇上她,只是一眼,亦如相识千年。 有一种愿望叫:相爱厮守! 有一种执着叫:宠你入骨! 有一种承诺叫:不离不弃! 有一种爱情叫:永世相伴! 【片段一】 潼筱玖自从认识某个男人之后,她的生活完全变了样: 吃喝拉撒有人管,起床睡觉有人问。 上班下班有人闹,穿衣打扮有人挑。 终于有一天,潼筱玖忍不住大发雷霆:“姓沐的,你烦不烦?” 某男云淡清风,答非所问:“玖玖似乎忘了我的名字?” 潼筱玖愣住,他又耍什么花招? 心里虽然怀疑,嘴上却如实回答:“沐景梵啊!”那又怎样? 某男嘴角微扬:“名字都叫景梵,能不‘烦’吗?”景梵,景梵,尽管去烦嘛! 潼筱玖满脸黑线,这也能行? 是谁说这个男人冷漠寡言?视女人为空气的?全部胡乱瞎扯淡。 在她眼里,沐景梵根本就是个死皮赖脸,霸道粘人的腹黑鬼。 外加坑蒙拐骗,样样精通。 【片段二】 一天晚上,某女靠在床头,认真看着电视。 某男上床后不悦:“有什么好看的?” 某女态度敷衍:“最近小鲜肉风靡!” 某男黑脸不语。 第二天,某国演艺界发布新规:男性必须年满三十周岁,且已婚者才能出道。 紧接着,某集团总裁一改往日行事低调的作风,频频出现在各大媒体,新闻报道中。 某女奇怪:原本看到那些少年,便幻想着小包子快快长大的模样,怎么国家突然出现这个奇葩规定? 低头思索一番,终于找到原因:一定是出主意的那位是个老头,而且丑的出奇。 想了想,再次点头确认:嗯!肯定是这样。 某男正在接受采访,突然感觉背后一阵凉风吹过。 【片段三】 某日,大宝在沙发上打游戏,小宝窝在旁边的一堆零食里。 小宝嘟着小嘴,糯糯发问:“为什么麻麻总说我挑食?她自己呢?” 大宝紧盯屏幕,略带嫌弃:“粑粑买的都是麻麻爱吃的,还用得着挑吗?” 小宝撑起脑袋,很是怀疑:“难道。。。。。。我不是麻麻亲生的?” 大宝撇了一眼,语气极淡:“或许吧!有可能是充话费送的。” 【总则】 愿得一人心, 冷男逆神经。 白首不相离, 景为玖着迷! 注意:1,美妞们点击几章观看后如果觉得文文能入靓眼,还请动动小手【加入收藏】,作者君感激不尽。 2,本文纯属虚构,如有雷同实属巧合。文中相关专业问题都是作者君百度而来,还请大家切勿考证,乱喷。 【本文一对一,双C,婚宠+商战+杀手+宝宝,无误会,无小三,男强女强,强强联手】
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