
    “It was greatly my wish that he should do so,”he added,“as soon as his marriage was fixed on.And I think you will agree with me, in considering the removal from that corps as highly advisable,both on his account and my niece's.It is Mr.Wickham's intention to go into the regulars;and among his former friends,there are still some who are able and willing to assist him in the army. He has the promise of an ensigncy in General—'s regiment, now quartered in the North. It is an advantage to have it so far from this part of the kingdom.He promises fairly;and I hope among different people, where they may each have a character to preserve, they will both be more prudent. I have written to Colonel Forster, to inform him of our present arrangements, and to request that he will satisfy the various creditors of Mr.Wickham in and near Brighton,with assurances of speedy payment, for which I have pledged myself.And will you give yourself the trouble of carrying similar assurances to his creditors in Meryton, of whom I shall subjoin a list according to his information?He has given in all his debts;I hope at least he has not deceived us. Haggerston has our directions, and all will be completed in a week.They will then join his regiment, unless they are first invited to Longbourn;and I understand from Mrs. Gardiner, that my niece is very desirous of seeing you all before she leaves the South.She is well,and begs to be dutifully remembered to you and your mother.—Yours,etc.,


    Mr. Bennet and his daughters saw all the advantages of Wickham's removal from the—shire as clearly as Mr. Gardiner could do.But Mrs.Bennet was not so well pleased with it.Lydia's being settled in the North, just when she had expected most pleasure and pride in her company, for she had by no means given up her plan of their residing in Hertfordshire,was a severe disappointment; and, besides, it was such a pity that Lydia should be taken from a regiment where she was acquainted with everybody,and had so many favourites.

    “She is so fond of Mrs. Forster,”said she,“it will be quite shocking to send her away!And there are several of the young men, too, that she likes very much.The officers may not be so pleasant in General—'s regiment.”

    His daughter's request,for such it might be considered,of being admitted into her family again before she set off for the North, received at first an absolute negative. But Jane and Elizabeth, who agreed in wishing,for the sake of their sister's feelings and consequence,that she should be noticed on her marriage by her parents, urged him so earnestly yet so rationally and so mildly, to receive her and her husband at Longbourn, as soon as they were married,that he was prevailed on to think as they thought, and act as they wished.And their mother had the satisfaction of knowing that she would be able to show her married daughter in the neighbourhood before she was banished to the North. When Mr.Bennet wrote again to his brother,therefore,he sent his permission for them to come;and it was settled,that as soon as the ceremony was over, they should proceed to Longbourn. Elizabeth was surprised,however,that Wickham should consent to such a scheme,and had she consulted only her own inclination, any meeting with him would have been the last object of her wishes.
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玄幻奇幻 完结 1291万字


订婚前夕,撞见男友和别的女人在床上奋战,那一刻,她的心,疼得无法呼吸…… “给我点一个最帅的、质量最高的男人!本小姐……出得起钱……”深夜醉酒,她一掷千金,豪迈地点了一个男人为自己服务。 误将霸道总裁当做那种男人,一整晚三十六式用遍,互相吃干抹净,她扔下一叠钱,落荒而逃。 原本以为银货两讫,却不料,婚房里出现的男人,却是他。 他双腿伤残,坐着轮椅,身后跟着两个小奶包。 传言,他拥有世界上最大的商业帝国,掌握着S国经济命脉,也掌握着无数人的身家性命。 更传言,他早已失去男性功能,不是不近女色,而是“进不了”女色。 白天,她是后妈,要照顾他前妻留下来的两个奶包,衣食住行样样俱全; 夜晚,她是床佣,要伺候化身为狼的冷面邪恶总裁,七十二招招招尝遍―― 等等,他不是已经失去能力了吗?他不是早就不能人道了吗? “你你你你你你干干干干干什么?”她惊得语无伦次。 “干你!”他霸道地将她逼到角落,挑起了唇角。 他爱得肆意狂澜,她伤得步步躲闪。 情殇过后才知,如果这世上没有你,如果没有遇见你,我不会快乐。
玄幻奇幻 完结 1328万字


辽阔的世界,无尽的海洋,群雄割据,独霸一方,以华夏为起点,天门群雄征战四方,战香港,斗蛮荒,数不尽的精彩超能力,战不完的帝国霸业征途,四神、五凶、六恐、七魔、八幻,最珍贵的兽之血统悉数登场,人魔偶、兽魔偶、妖魔偶、武魔偶、神魔偶血染青天。 政府、黑帮、君王、圣教、门徒、蛮荒千余人物斩破乾坤,神器、兵魂、最强武器、古代武器染血苍穹,二十五卷,卷卷高能热血,千余章节,章章扣人心弦。 欢迎加入天门的帝国之旅。
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不小心吞掉“薄荷糖”,就成为龙王的女婿…… 龙王是集团大BOSS,未婚妻是一颗小辣椒,众位长老……虎视眈眈…… 呃,这个世界真危险……
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布衣一怒,血溅五步!天子一怒,伏尸万里!纨绔一怒,星辰变色! 纵观世人、皆面热心冷之辈!唯吾爱及爱吾者!凭手中之刀斩落阻我、挡我、诓我、诽我、谤我、辱我、欺我之徒!
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